Wednesday, July 9, 2008

3.2 Everywhere You Go, You Need...

In search of an interesting ad, I found this website. It contains many different ads from different parts of the world. On the site, I found this ad of a handheld camera which convinced the audience that they need this camera when they travel around the world during anytime of the year.

The art of this ad is quite creative, in several ways. First, it is in only black and white, which is quite unusual because it advertises an innovative technological product that highly depends on colors. The second thing I am quite amazed about is the fact that this entire ad is done in one line; all the scenes of "your memory" are all connected. In a way, it makes the audience feel that they can have adventurous trips throughout the year, nonstop. The third thing I like about this ad is that all these pictures are between the USB cord and the camera. It illustrates the point that the only thing between the camera and the computer is memories, your memories. It also points out the convenience of putting your memories into your computer; all you need to do is to plug that USB into an USB port, and you can share your memories with others. The art of this ad is definitely breathtaking.

Aside from the art form of this ad, this ad has many meanings which mesmerize the audience so that they must have this handheld camera wherever they go. The ad contains many famous landmarks of the world, such as the Effiel Tower, the Prymaids of Egypt and the windmills of Holland. Other than these famous landmarks, the ad includes images of Christmas, the beach and the zoo to convince the audience that this camera can handle anything - from small, simple day trips to big, extravagant trips. It sends a message that this handheld camera is a must-have item which would make your unforgettable memories last forever.

In conclusion, this ad is innovative, original, and imaginative. Moreover, it successfully sends a clear message that this camera can capture all unforgettable moments, your unforgettable moments.

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

This is a great description of a very complex ad! You do a nice job explaining its intricacies.