Monday, July 28, 2008

6.1 Hmm...

It's the last week of summer session. Throughout the last few weeks, I have noticed that the class talked about race, technology, and media related subjects. Whenever a topic related to those subjects always reminded me how we are being shaped.

For race related subjects, I remember the heated debate that Whites are becoming more disadvantage than before. During that discussion, some students argued for the minorities while others argued for the opposite side. I thought that that debate was enlightening because of the different perspectives mentioned by students. This is how we are shaped by- race. I am Asian, you are White, she is Latina, he is Black. This is how we identify ourselves as well as other people. When race is mentioned, we choose our sides and fight for what we really deserve. While equality is important in the US, our colors separate most of us. I know some have became colorblind, many of us are not. So when a race is being mentioned, just like our class discussion, we take our sides and fight for our ideologies. This class somewhat represent what different Americans think.

On the technological topic, it seems like we all agree that all moving with technological progress. Rather than writing snail mail to each other, we would send instant messages, emails, and leave wall posts on Facebook. As an writing class, I am quite amazed that we have the chance to discuss the pros and cons of technological process because it is quite rare to discuss such topic in other English classes.

Media has shaped us in many different ways, it has helped develop and support our ideologies. In class, when we tried to decipher the meaning of different satirical cartoons, many of us had different interpretation. By listening to other people's interpretation, I have noticed that many people's perspective about our societies.

As part of an English writing class, it not only has helped me to produce better quality writing, it also helped me to notice other people's perspective on different topics which we face almost everyday. Overall, I have taken more from this class than all the other English classes combined.

1 comment:

Purelavender said...

This sentence needs to be corrected,"While equality is important in the US, our colors separate most us." I think you need "of" between most and us. This sentence, "On the technological topic, it seems like we are agree that all moving with technological progress," also needs to be reexamined. "As an English, it not only has helped me to produce better quality writing." You mean "English major"? Aside from the grammatical errors, I feel that yes this class indeed allow many of us to really stop and think about many aspects of a keyword or a topic that is very important in our lives and to discuss our viewpoints. Very effective class!