Monday, June 23, 2008

1.1 Book Hunting

As I was walking to the Bookstore, I was thinking, "I hope this class will not turn out to be as bad as the other writing classes I have had before..." Then the memories of my previous writing classes appeared in my mind. I shook my head, and said, "Oh god, I don't want to write!" I entered the Bookstore and walked down the stairs. From the stairs, I saw people walking into people, talking on their cell phones, copying ISBN numbers, etc. There was only one word to describe the situation- chaos. I, unwillingly, walked toward to the banner which says, " UWP". The shelf was empty. Then I said to myself, " That is not a good sign." I took a few steps back and looked for another "UWP" banner. I didn't see one, so I took a few steps to the right, and there, I found some UWP books. There, I saw many " ______ Guide's to Writing" books and some novels like Into The Wild. Suddenly, I realized I was smiling, maybe because I don't have to do many formal writings in this class, or maybe because I hate stupid writing guides and novels. Either way, I thought, " I guess this class is really different, well, it better be different. I'm not gonna have a life if it isn't." I grabbed a copy of Keywords and paid. Outside of the cashier counter, I saw a good friend of mine whom I haven't seen in month. We chatted and left, and I thought, "Today's a good day, maybe this is a good sign."

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

Well, the writing for this class will still be "formal"—it will just take place in a different *format*. It's the difference between an "l" and a "t"!